How the Seaweed helps in Thyroid?

The Thyroid gland plays a major role in the human body which produces hormones that regulate mood, help control growth, metabolism, energy levels, body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. Hypothyroidism occurs when this gland isn't producing enough hormones to meet your body’s needs. Taking daily thyroid hormone replacement medication can help restore your thyroid hormone levels and take control of your symptoms. Thyroid relies on iodine to make hormones. Without enough iodine, you may start to experience symptoms like weight changes, fatigue or swelling of the neck over time. Seaweed contains a concentrated portion of iodine and an amino acid called tyrosine which helps the thyroid gland to function properly. It's the best dietary source of iodine, which helps to support the thyroid gland. It also contains other vitamin K, B vitamins, zinc and iron, along with antioxidants that help to protect the body cells from damage. The recommended dietary i...