Know about Pancreas Transplantation in Diabetics!
The pancreas transplant is a medical procedure to place a healthy pancreas from a departed donor into a person whose pancreas no longer works properly. The pancreas is an organ that lies behind the lower part of the stomach. One of its principal functions is to make insulin, a hormone that regulates the consumption of glucose into the body cells. If the pancreas doesn't make enough insulin, blood sugar levels accelerate to toxic levels, resulting in type 1 diabetes. The advantages of pancreas transplantation implicated for diabetics is significantly effective in improving the quality of life of type 1 diabetic patients, and it can also eliminate acute diabetes complexities, such as hypoglycaemic cases.
Most pancreas
transplants are done to treat type 1 diabetes. A pancreas transplant offers a
potential cure for this condition. But it is typically reserved for those with
serious complications of diabetes because the side effects of a pancreas
transplant can be significant. In some cases, pancreas transplants may also
treat type 2 diabetes. Rarely, pancreas transplants may be used in the
treatment of pancreatic, bile duct, or other cancers. A pancreas transplant is
often done in conjunction with a kidney
transplant in people whose kidneys have been damaged by diabetes.
Also, know about the risks emerging:
Blood clots.
Excess sugar in the
blood (hyperglycaemia) or other metabolic problems.
complications, including leaking or urinary
tract infections.
Failure of the
donated pancreas.
Rejection of the
donated pancreas.
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