What are the effects of diabetes that occur on our body?


The word “diabetes” is commonly called as “Diabetes mellitus”. It is a metabolic disease that causes high blood sugar. The main source of energy in our body is “blood glucose” and it comes from food we eat. With diabetes, your body either doesn’t make enough insulin or can’t effectively use the insulin it does make.

When diabetes is detected early, it can be effectively treated. However, if left untreated, it can lead to heart disease, stroke, kidney damage, and nerve damage, among other things. Normally, your body will break down sugars from meals and utilise them for energy in your cells after you eat or drink. Your pancreas must create the hormone insulin to accomplish this. Insulin aids in the process of sucking sugar from the bloodstream and storing it in the cells as energy. If you have diabetes, your pancreas produces either too little or no insulin. Insulin is unable to be used effectively. As a result, blood glucose levels rise while the rest of your cells go without much-needed energy. This can result in a wide range of issues that affect practically every major body system.

There are few types of diabetes namely Type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, prediabetes and Gestational diabetes and rare condition is diabetes insipidus .Every type has unique symptoms ,causes and treatments. Below are the symptoms may occur to our body when diabetes takes effect:- 

·         Loss of consciousness

·         Visual disturbances

·         Risk of stroke

·         Extreme thirst

·         Cataracts and glaucoma

·         Sweet swelling breath

·         Risk of heart disease

·         Risk of infections

·         High blood pressure

·         Fatigue and loss of energy

·         Pancreas malfunction

·         Gastro paresis

·         Excessive urination

·         Ketoacidosis

·         Dry, cracked skin

·         Nerve damage

·         Foot problems


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