Diabetes and Heart Disease: Myths and Facts!

It is not sure that, every diabetic patient is undergone, heart disease. Diabetes is a chronic disease that is caused by high blood glucose levels that result from the body’s inability to produce insulin or inefficiency in response. Poor metabolism , weaker immune system, and reduced physical inactivity are majorly seen in diabetes patients. It is well known that, in diabetes patients, one of the major complications is Heart disease, but as compared to other complications, diabetic heart disease owns only about 20-30%. As diabetes complications possess 5% more risk of developing brain stroke , whereas it possesses 30% more risk for developing kidney disease (diabetic nephropathy), 40% more for developing blindness (Retinopathy), and others are for amputation and associated complications. Now we will find out some Myths and facts regarding Diabetic Heart Disease: · If you control diabetes, you are safe at heart h...